Introducing the captivating manga series “Poison Dragon – The Legend of an Asura“, a tale that blends ancient history with ruthless vengeance. Immerse yourself in a world where the Yakmun clan, once steeped in an illustrious past, was tragically decimated in a brutal massacre. The scene is one of unimaginable horror, with the bodies of the fallen forming mountainous piles, and rivers of blood flowing like endless oceans.
Synopsis Poison Dragon – The Legend of an Asura
In the midst of this bleak abyss of despair, a lone figure emerges. Sura awakens from the darkness, his eyes burning with an unquenchable fire of rage. Determination takes root in his heart as he utters an oath that echoes like a chilling prophecy: “No one shall be spared. I shall kill everyone. It doesn’t end unless I’ve killed each and every one of them.” His resolve becomes the driving force behind his mission, one that will shake the very foundations of this merciless world.
Jin Ja-Kang stands alone, a solitary survivor of the Yangmun Baekhwacheol-Geok clan. As the story unfolds, a poignant narrative of revenge against the sinister Gangheo Murimsa takes shape. Legends will be born from this tale, carrying the weight of a destiny forged in blood and sorrow.
“Poison Dragon – The Legend of an Asura” takes readers on a spellbinding journey, weaving together the threads of ancient legacy and raw determination. The story promises to grip your imagination and keep you enthralled as the vendetta against the Gangheo Murimsa unfolds, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of manga lore.
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